Video Work

Below are some samples of video work that I have completed. I am currently working on adding more to this page. Please take a look around and let me know if you have any questions.


Trin20 Video

Trin20 Biologics: Understanding the Problem Intro Video

This video was created as a lead-in for our presentation at the 2011 AECT PacifiCorp Design & Development Competition. As finalists in the competition, another student and I were tasked with presenting our proposal and solution to a fictitious company. I story boarded, shot and edited this video to serve as our introduction to our presentation. It sets the scene for what the company is facing in its current situation.

You can view this video by clicking here.


Numbers Video_

Chapin Street: A Numbers Countdown Video

This video was created as part of my instructional video course. We were tasked with making a simple video that counted down the numbers from 20 to 0 in a creative manner, as a way of practicing precision editing. I chose to make mine geared towards children and used the Sesame Street theme.

You can watch this video by clicking here.